Houses have been reconstructed double the need in tsunami ravaged Hambanthota district while around 8865 families still languish in around 100 refugee camps country wide.
The number of houses damaged in Hambanthota district is 3193. The number of houses built anew is 6391, five more than double the need. Therefore there is an excess of 3198 houses.
These facts were revealed at the Government press briefing held today at the Information Department to clarify the situation of tsunami reconstructions. The media persons who came to take part in the press conference had to get the auditorium opened by themselves. Finally, the press briefing was commenced on 10.45 AM on the persuasion of the media men.
No Minister was present at the press conference handled by a lady officer of the Presidential Secretariat, the District Secretaries of the tsunami affected districts and Ministry officials. Therefore, there was no one to answer the queries on political nature.
Hambanthota District Secretary R.M.D.B. Meegaskumbura responding to a question from Lanka-e-News on construction of excess houses in Hambanthota district said that 2378 of the excess houses were provided to the extended families of the tsunami affected and 820 houses were given to low income families whose livelihoods were affected indirectly due to tsunami.
The District Secretary admitted that some houses were not up to the standards and investigations have commenced in this regard.