The Millennium Institute’s Threshold 21 is a quantitative tool for integrated, comprehensive development and policy planning. The model is transparent, collaborative, interconnected, valid, and customizable. Its purpose is to support the larger process of planning by facilitating information collection and organization and analysis of development strategies. T21 is the culmination of over 20 years of work collecting, studying and developing respected models and related documentation.Each application of T21 is customized to meet the specific planning and analysis needs of a country or region. To date there are over 15 unique, customized T21 models with applications in both less-industrialized countries such as Malawi and Bangladesh and industrialized countries such as the United States and Italy. T21 produces results for key social, economic, and environmental indicators, including the Millennium Development Goals. From a capacity development point of view, its most attractive feature is the complete transfer of ownership to the national focal node once the relevant government (and non-government) staff are fully trained and capable of revising and modifying the model as needed. LINKS:
Threshold 21
"Building Capacity for an Integrated Approach to Planning: Threshold 21"
Millennium Institute
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